
a blog revolving around food, wine, and as much travel as I can squeeze in.

about grace.

paris is always a good idea.

paris is always a good idea.

One of the things I love about living in Europe is that I can always travel to the same place twice. or three times. I keep having to remind myself of that fact. But what it means is that I can visit a place and not feel like I have to see everything. Which I find very comforting. 

That being said, last semester, I was lucky enough to go to Paris three times. Each time I stayed in a different area and mostly stayed away from tourist attractions. I will say I had a very fun picnic with my uncles in front of the Tour Eiffel, complete with quiche and paris-brest. 

Tour Eiffel, Paris, France

Tour Eiffel, Paris, France

The rest of the time I was in Paris was spent merely wandering through neighborhoods, my time punctuated with meals along the way. My life and my daily schedule revolves around food, so it's only fitting that my travels revolve around food, too.  One of the most amazing meals I've had while being here was a dinner in Paris with Zach and Allison, where we enjoyed foie gras raviolis. We had not one order but two, and they were mouthwatering. I may have drooled. 

Musée Picasso, Paris, France

Musée Picasso, Paris, France

Given that Paris is only two hours from Bordeaux via the TGV, I think I'll be going there often. Because why not. It also means that I can fly out of Paris when flights are too expensive out of Bordeaux. However. I will say that traveling through France by train and bus and taxi with a 27 kilo bag is not that much fun. Next time, I'll hold off on packing nine bottles of wine and duck confit. 

Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, France

Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, France

assyrtiko, loukoumades, and spanakopita.

assyrtiko, loukoumades, and spanakopita.

home is where the tacos are.

home is where the tacos are.