
a blog revolving around food, wine, and as much travel as I can squeeze in.

about grace.

weekends are for wandering.

weekends are for wandering.

Here’s the thing about Bordeaux - it has so much to offer. Inside the city is full of little boutiques and épiceries filled with all of the goodies you could possibly ever want. And just outside of the city are some of the most gorgeous vineyards and quaint towns you’ve ever seen. To say that I am falling in love with this city is an understatement. 

Saint-Émilion, France

Saint-Émilion, France

A few weekends ago, I took the train out to Saint-Émilion to go to the marché because I had convinced myself that last summer we had gone to the most amazing marché there. Moral of the story here is always check your "facts". In this case, said marché was in fact in Libourne, not Saint Émilion. The marché was itty bitty with about four vendors. However, the town was beautiful. We arrived around 10, and as we walked up towards the cathedral, the bells started ringing and kept ringing until Mass started. It was the most beautiful sound. 

Saint-Émilion, France

Saint-Émilion, France

After wandering through the hilly cobblestoned streets, we found ourselves at a cafe ordering tartines and a cappuccino. Luckily, the waiter suggested we get one order of "le petit dejeuner" as it was enough for two. As we ate our tartines and sipped our cappuccinos, it started to drizzle. We were sitting in a square across from the restaurant, but we were under a canopy of umbrellas. As the rain continued, water started falling inside the canopy. One by one, the umbrellas would start to leak. As I looked up, I noticed that the seam of two umbrellas was right above me - "c'est la vie" I thought to myself. Lucky for me, that seam never leaked. We sat under the umbrellas listening to the rain and enjoyed a second cappuccino each. 

home is where the tacos are.

home is where the tacos are.

pass the porto, please.

pass the porto, please.